<<<dresses, slacks, cakes and dates>>>
so this post is extremely overdue... on June 8th (yes i know i should have written this post months ago) was mine and richbot's one year anniversary! We had such a fun day up in the city with a surprise date that richie planned. we stayed at the little america which is where we stayed our very first night as mr & mrs and then we went to this incredible stake house called christophers and after that we ate a blueberry lemon cake that i made at work for us because we didn't save our wedding cake.... oops... but in all seriousness i honestly cannot believe that it has been an entire year that we have been married. it has gone by so quickly. it is absolutely insane. it really has been the best year of my life so far, richie and i were talking the other day about how we hear from some people that the first year of marriage is the hardest, but i am here to tell you that is a lie. it is not at all, it is simply beautiful.
i <3 richie stapler.
wedding videos:
temple video
reception video
anniversary pictures:
the best steakhouse in utah
richie enjoying the mummy bag i gave him
the cake
forks from our big day a year ago